Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I love summer tv!

I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't watch Big Brother.
Seriously, it's the best reality show's everything a reality show was meant to be, and more. I guess its appeal lies in the fact that it's all about how people deal with each other and what brings out the best...and the worst in them.
Not to mention, the editors of the show make it fun with their editing...cue the dramatic music when someone gets all emotional in the diary room.
I'm loving the twist this season with America's Player. I wasn't sure if Eric would be best suited for the job but I shouldn't have judged him so quickly...he was amazing last night with his first task. It was great tv.
But you probably don't know what I'm talking about b/c you don't watch. I pity you!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

One for the scholars

Answer me this...why do people, who clearly do not like you/don't prefer your company, care if you speak to them or not in passing? As you've made it obvious with your behavior, it puzzles me why folks complain because you do not greet them with a hello when you see them. I don't intentionally not speak, but after being snubbed/treated poorly, it should not come as a surprise that speaking to you is not the first thing that comes to mind when our paths cross.

I dunno...just curious.